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Cleaning Technologies for Steel Belts in the Food Industry

June 10, 2024

Innovative Cleaning Technologies for Steel Belt Conveyors in the Food Industry

In the food industry, maintaining the highest standards of hygiene is priority number one. Steel belts, being a critical component in food processing and handling, must adhere to strict cleanliness protocols. Innovative cleaning technologies have emerged to ensure these standards are met while minimising downtime and maximising efficiency. This blog will explore the latest advancements in cleaning technologies for conveyor belts, specifically those used in the food industry, including automated cleaning systems, the use of UV light for sanitation, and other exciting innovations.

Automated Cleaning Systems

Automated cleaning systems have revolutionised the way conveyor belts are maintained in the food industry. These systems are designed to clean and sanitise belts without the need for any manual intervention, in turn reducing labour costs and ensuring consistent cleaning results.

What are the advantages of Automated Cleaning Systems?

The main advantage is the unparalleled consistency. Automated systems provide uniform cleaning across the entire steel belt, ensuring no area is missed. These systems can also operate continuously or during scheduled downtime, minimising disruption to production, improving operational efficiency. Finally, safety is drastically improved with this technology, as the risk of worker injury and contamination is significantly lowered by reducing manual cleaning.

Popular Automated Cleaning System Technologies:

  • CIP (Clean-in-Place) Systems: These systems use a combination of water, detergents, and sanitisers that are sprayed onto the belt to clean and sanitise it thoroughly.
  • Brush and Scraper Systems: These mechanical and fully automated systems use brushes and scrapers to remove debris and residue from the belt surface.

Other Innovations in Cleaning Technologies

The food industry continually seeks new methods to improve the cleanliness of steel belts. Some of the more recent innovations include:

  • Steam Cleaning: Utilising high-temperature steam to sanitise belts, steam cleaning is effective in removing stubborn residues and killing microorganisms without the use of harsh chemicals.
  • Electrolysed Water Systems: These systems generate a powerful sanitiser from water and salt, providing an effective and eco-friendly cleaning solution.
  • Nanotechnology Coatings: Applying nano-coatings to conveyor belts can create surfaces that repel contaminants and reduce the need for frequent cleaning.
  • Dry Ice Cleaning technology has far advanced in this industry sector however this process is costly and highlights some noise safety issues.

Tips for Maintaining Cleanliness Standards

To ensure steel belts remain hygienic, it is essential to follow best practices for maintenance and cleaning. Here’s just a few tips:

  • Regular Inspections: Conduct routine inspections to identify any potential contamination risks or wear and tear that may compromise hygiene. PACE is happy to help with inspections, so feel free to send us an enquiry.
  • Scheduled Cleaning: Implement a cleaning schedule that includes daily, weekly, and monthly tasks to ensure thorough and consistent sanitation.
  • Proper Training: Train staff on the importance of hygiene and the correct use of cleaning technologies to maintain high standards.
  • Documentation: Keep detailed records of cleaning procedures and schedules to ensure compliance with food safety regulations.

Preventing Contamination

Preventing contamination is critical in the food industry, so it’s important to implement as many strategies as possible. One of these might be belt material considerations, specifically the use of microbial growth resistant materials such as stainless steel. Or design considerations, as opting for conveyor belt designs that minimise crevices and areas where contaminants can accumulate can be a huge boost to both hygiene and efficiency. Finally, we would recommend implementing protective barriers to cover conveyor belts from airborne contaminants and accidental spills.

Final thoughts

Innovative cleaning technologies are essential for maintaining the hygiene of steel belts in the food industry. By adopting automated cleaning systems and other advanced methods, food processors can ensure their operations remain fantastically safe and efficient. PACE is committed to providing cutting-edge solutions that help the food industry meet its stringent hygiene standards, ensuring the safety and quality of food products.

For more information on how PACE can support your cleaning and maintenance needs with advanced steel belt systems, contact us today.


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